Nuclei release - V0.6.7.0

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 | Posted in

Version V0.6.7.0 of the Nuclei library has been released. This release fixes a bug in the processing of ICommandSet return tasks which caused the processor to throw an exception if the return task was a continuation task. This bug fix means it is now possible to chain tasks and return the final task from an ICommandSet object. An example of this behaviour is given in the following section of code.

public interface IMyCommandSet : ICommandSet
    Task DoSomethingAwesome();

public sealed class MyCommand : IMyCommandSet
    public Task DoSomethingAwesome()
        var firstTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(
            () => Thread.Sleep(1000));
        var secondTask = firstTask.ContinueWith(
            t => Console.WriteLine("Awesome sauce"));
        return secondTask
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