Posts tagged with: Robotics

Swerve drive - Motor limitations

Swerve drive - Using Nav2

Robotics - Making URDF models

Swerve drive - Motion profiles

Swerve drive - Movement animations

Swerve drive - Better movement by controlling the body motions

Swerve drive - Verification of the kinematics solution

Swerve drive - Kinematics simulation

Swerve drive - Moving a robot in all directions, mostly

Starting robotics - Fixing the wheel encoders

Starting robotics - Building a bumper for scuttle. The electronics

Starting robotics - Building a bumper for scuttle. The software

Starting robotics - Building a bumper for scuttle. The overview

Starting robotics - Driving scuttle with ROS - Gazebo simulation

Starting robotics - Learning Robot Operating System (ROS)

Starting robotics with the SCUTTLE robot

Building an autonomous mobile robot - But why?