A general collection of robotics posts.
Recent posts referencing Robotics
- Swerve drive - Motor limitations
- Swerve drive - Using Nav2
- Robotics - Making URDF models
- Swerve drive - Motion profiles
- Swerve drive - Movement animations
More posts referencing Robotics
SCUTTLE is my robot testing platform.
Recent posts referencing Scuttle
- Starting robotics - Fixing the wheel encoders
- Starting robotics - Building a bumper for scuttle. The electronics
- Starting robotics - Building a bumper for scuttle. The software
- Starting robotics - Building a bumper for scuttle. The overview
- Starting robotics - Driving scuttle with ROS - Gazebo simulation
More posts referencing Scuttle
Zinger is a four wheel steering, four wheel drive robot that I am developing.
Recent posts referencing Zinger
- Swerve drive - Using Nav2
- Robotics - Making URDF models
- Swerve drive - Motion profiles
- Swerve drive - Movement animations
- Swerve drive - Better movement by controlling the body motions
More posts referencing Zinger